Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rice Crispy Treats

This recipe isn't anything special and quite frankly, it'll probably be the only thing on this blog that I've never actually made. The recipe is on here more for the story behind it than for the treat itself. 

A few years ago, while I was living in Colorado, I got a phone call from my mother... it went exactly like this:

Mom: Bailey, I have to apologize for something really serious.

Me: ... Ok. What did you do?

Mom: I've been talking to a lot of people in the office about how you and I would always cook and bake together. Well, apparently I made you miss out on an integral part of your childhood, and I'm sorry.

Me: What are you talking about?

Mom: We never made Rice Crispy Treats together!

Me: Well Mom, that's why I'm gay.

Mom: ...(dead silence)... Ahahahahahahahaahaha! **I think there was even a snort in there**

So, whenever I come home now, my Mom has a giant block of rice crispy treat waiting for me in the kitchen. I tell her it's too late, and that the damage is done, and BUYING rice crispy treat isn't the same as MAKING them. Oh well, at least she tried. :)
 Thank you, Mom! I love you. 

Here's the recipe, in case you've NEVER made this thing before (like me).

1 1/2 bags of miniature marshmallows
1 tablespoon butter
2 cups rice crispy cereal

Melt butter in a saucepan. Add marshmallows.

Stir until mixture thickens and becomes too difficult to stir. Mix in the cereal and stir until hot.

Butter a pan and spread marshmallow-y goodness into pan evenly. Allow to cool and cut into squares.

**DISCLAIMER**  This treat may not prevent gay-ness... or it may. One thing is for certain: it's too late for me. :)


  1. I never made Rice Krispie treats with my mom either. I'm also gay. Hmmmm..... maybe there is a connection. :-)

  2. Your camping story is hilarious, and quite disturbing. I will never understand lesbians either, it's pretty irritating. I will take you camping in Colorado. It will be like a five star hotel compared to your swampy, alligator and spider infested FL catastrophe. I PROMISE.

  3. Now that I think back... I don't think my mom and I ever made rice crispy treats together, maybe that's why I am gay.

  4. I'm pretty sure it's why we're gay, Symone and Rick.

  5. Wait.. I made rice crispies with my grandma all the time! Never with my mom though...
